CloudBees Feature Management pricing, reviews and more.
Accelerate your development speed and reduce risk by decoupling feature deployment from code releases. Control every change in your app in real-time while measuring the business and technical impact.
What is CloudBees Feature Management?
Faster Delivery - Deliver code to production environments as soon as it’s complete-- or even sooner. Don’t wait for a feature to trickle out across multiple servers in a highly scaled application; turn it on all at once when it’s ready, or selectively enable it for users. Safety - Test new code safely in production with blue/green and canary deployments. If a bug is discovered-- even days later-- don’t wait for a costly rollback of the whole application or a time-consuming patch and release process; just turn off that feature right away and then repair it. Experimentation - How does this feature impact revenue, user engagement, etc? Enable features only for certain customers to perform A/B testing. Analyze your metrics to make a data-driven decision about what works best. Customization - Turn specific features on or off for particular customers, based on preferences, location, licensing, etc.