Dundas BI pricing, reviews and more.
Dundas BI is an enterprise-level, self-service, BI and analytics tool in one fully embeddable platform. It delivers powerful dashboard, reporting and visual data analytics, enabling users access to all of their data for better decisions and faster insights. Dundas BI allows you to easily connect, analyze, and visualize any data, on any device.
What is Dundas BI?
Dundas BI is the most flexible BI solution designed to meet as many as possible BI use cases. Dundas BI main points of differentiation include: + Quality and Variety of Visualizations for Interactive Analysis + Customization Flexibility / Extensibility + All Common BI Needs under One Roof - from data preparation, to different views (dashboards, paged reports, scorecards) all the way to visual data discovery + SaaS/Multi-Tenant Setup (embedded solutions) + MSBI Integration + Adoption Tools + Purely Web Based (HTML5) + Total Customer Enablement with top user-rated Client Support & Services