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SearchStax is a Solr as a service platform, designed for engineers.

What is SearchStax?

SearchStax Managed Solr offloads the setup, management and ongoing support for your Solr infrastructure without sacrificing flexibility or control. Augment your team with our Solr experts while you focus your time on value-added tasks and accelerate your project timelines. Fully Managed Solr includes: - High availability Solr clusters (public or private environments) - Cloud automation dashboard - Collaborative monitoring and alerting - Availability in 60+ regions on AWS, Azure or Google Cloud - Disaster recovery and backup options for every requirement - Security and certifications to minimize risk and meet compliance needs SearchStax Site Search empowers business teams to 'own' the search experience without relying on developers or IT to configure search or make changes. Our accelerated installation process lets you realize quick results and: - Gain insights with search analytics - Get up and running quickly with Accelerators - Manage search without coding - Improve search ranking and relevance

SearchStax pricing plans

SearchStax has not provided pricing information for this product. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Please contact SearchStax directly to obtain current pricing.

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