SmartFile pricing, reviews and more.
Secure file sharing in the cloud, on-premise, or anywhere in-between.
What is SmartFile?
SmartFile is easy to use for employees and easy to manage and monitor for IT. SmartFile can quickly be deployed in a turnkey type of delivery with hardware maintenance included. As opposed to homegrown solutions, SmartFile can reduce your internal development and management resources for storage, file sharing, and VPN products. SmartFile offers a true on-premises product that can serve as a private cloud file server. SmartFile can also serve as a front-end for existing network storage for added compliance and security when accessing and managing network files. SmartFile delivers encryption cards on all on-premises deployments so the clients can manage encryption keys. SmartFile does not rely on sync for various data replication and security issues, instead, SmartFile offers various ways to securely access, share and manage files from anywhere.
What tech stack does SmartFile use?

SmartFile pricing plans
per month- 5 users included $10 per each additional user
- 1TB Storage
- Unlimited File Sizes
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 24-Hour Support
- Full Text / OCR Search
Business +
per month- 10 users included $15 per each additional user
- Unlimited Storage
- Unlimited File Sizes
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 24-Hour Support
- Full Text / OCR Search
Business Unlimited
- Unlimited File Sizes
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 24-Hour Support
- Full Text / OCR Search
- sFTP Access
- FTP Access
- FTPs Access
- Unlimited Users
- Unlimited Storage
FileHub (On-Prem)
- On-premises / Hosted Cloud
- File Server with Scalable Storage
- Optional Network Storage Front-End Interface
- Built-in Encryption Card
- SmartStats Visual Analytics and Monitoring
- VIP Support and Deployment Assistance
- Custom Help Documentation
- Company Training Assistance
- Custom Integrations Available