TINT pricing, reviews and more.
TINT is trusted by over 5,000 leading brands in 173 countries to find, curate, own, display, and repurpose authentic user-generated content across all marketing and communications touchpoints.
What is TINT?
We're the global leader in UGC, helping thousands of leading brands humanize their marketing to build trust and increase conversions along every step of the customer journey. Extensive worldwide experience across all industries - TINT provides an unparalleled business suite of services from UGC technologies to management consultancy and we’re dedicated to the success of your brand and ensuring that your teams are getting the best ROI. We are deeply vested in delivering on the promise and power of consumer-led creative. Industry-leading technology - TINT is owned by Filestack - the premier platform for visual content. Filestack processes images and videos at scale, performing over 2 billion curation operations monthly. TINT leverages Filestack tech to provide the most advanced machine learning based product recommendations engine for shoppable UGC, content moderation with copyright detection, object tagging, safe for web, & virus scanning, and the fastest web and native mobile UGC embed in the market.
What tech stack does TINT use?