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Best CAD Viewers SaaS companies

Autodesk 360

Autodesk 360

42 reviews

Autodesk A360 enables design and engineering centric project teams to work efficiently together in one central workspace.

Kubotek Spectrum CAD viewer

Kubotek Spectrum CAD viewer

Kubotek Spectrum CAD viewer has been replaced with K-Display View MCAD Visualization Software, the next generation multi-CAD viewer.

BIM Track

BIM Track

13 reviews

BIM Track is a cloud-based issue management platform for 3D BIM models coordination supporting OpenBIM standards. It includes add-ins for Revit and Navisworks for "in context" issue creation and management. Its responsive design web-based platform works with any web-browser and mobile device. It includes an online 3D viewer. This is the best tool for efficient issue tracking and coodination workflow enhancement. Metrics allows for an improved comprehension of the issue management evolution.