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Best Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) SaaS companies

Crashtest Security

Crashtest Security

The Crashtest Security Suite is a web application and API vulnerability scanner. Our software provides fully automated security testing for your whole web application portfolio: detailed, accurate and easy to implement.

Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner

79 reviews

Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner automatically crawls and scans off-the-shelf and custom-built websites and web applications for SQL Injection, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Host Header Attacks & over 3000 other web vulnerabilities. It also provides a wide variety of reports to help developers and business owners alike to quickly identify a web application’s threat surface, detect what needs to be fixed, and ensure conformance with several compliance standards.



38 reviews

Detectify Deep Scan

Detectify Deep Scan

20 reviews