Best IT Portfolio Analysis SaaS companies

CAST Highlight
Portfolio intelligence to simplify complexity, find IT risks and control costs.

IBM Planning Analytics (PA)
IBM Planning Analytics (PA), powered by IBM TM1 automates your planning, budgeting, forecasting and analysis processes. It offers the full functionality of spreadsheets while eliminating manual tasks to drive efficiency.

IBM Rational Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers
Rational Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers is an integrated, systems engineering environment for analyzing project requirements. It uses Systems Modeling Language (SysML) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) to enable rapid requirements analysis and visual, model-based design. Rational Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers helps your systems engineering teams design complex functionality in less time.

IBM StoredIQ
Remediate personal information to drive insight and compliance with IBM StoredIQ

IBM SPSS Modeler
IBM SPSS Modeler is an extensive predictive analytics platform that is designed to bring predictive intelligence to decisions made by individuals, groups, systems and the enterprise.