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Best JavaScript Web Frameworks SaaS companies



jsreports makes a pure JavaScript reporting solution that fits today's modern web application stacks better than legacy solutions. It's: lightweight, easily extensible, works with a variety of data sources, enables end users to modify report templates directly in the browser.

AnyMap JS Maps

AnyMap JS Maps

1 review

AnyMap JS Maps is a flexible, cross-platform and cross-browser JavaScript mapping library that allows you to add interactive HTML5 map visualizations to any web projects, e.g. to display sales by region, election results, population density or any other geo-related data. It is applicable for interactive dashboards and side-by-side reporting. AnyMap comes with ready-to-use Maps Collection which can be used at no additional cost, with 100s of maps already available and AnyMaps' conversion tool technology.

CanvasJS Charts

CanvasJS Charts

14 reviews

CanvasJS Charts is an HTML5 Charting library that runs across devices and browsers and has 10x Performance Compared to traditional SVG charting Libraries. This allows you to create rich dashboards that work across devices without compromising on maintainability or functionality of your web application.



xtAngular provides all the components a developer needs to build data-intensive web apps using Angular.



ExtReact provides all the components a developer needs to build data-intensive web apps using React.



Webix is a JavaScript and HTML5 UI library with DataTable, Kanban, Pivot, SpreadSheet, File Manager and other widgets and controls that can help to visualize data.