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Best Sensitive Data Discovery SaaS companies



Datahunter uses machine learning algorithms to rapidly and accurately analyze any data source. Gain deeper insights than before and uncover previously hidden risks to deal with privacy compliance, cloud migration preparedness, data cleansing, and AI readiness.



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Kogni is a leading data security product with presence in North America and Asia. Kogni discovers sensitive data in enterprise data sources, secures it, and continuously monitors for new sensitive data. Kogni helps organizations comply with regulations such as GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, PHI, FERPA, and others. Kogni specializes in data security and helps enterprises move beyond perimeter security. Kogni’s approach to data security reduces the impact of a data breach, helps enterprises comply with regulations, and enables data governance initiatives by monitoring for policy violations.



Cipherpoint.Discover can analyse information on a schedule or be used in-line with existing business process/workflows via an API. It can also be used to automate governance requirements associated with archival and eDiscovery, and enable cloud migrations



cp.Content moves files from all locations and applications into a single repository, but leaves behind a stub with relevant metadata which allows users to find and open the file when needed and preserves the functions of the underlying application